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market development strategy中文是什么意思

用"market development strategy"造句"market development strategy"怎么读"market development strategy" in a sentence


  • 市场开发


  • A probe into china ' s business travel and its market development strategies
  • On development advantages in zhaoqing leisure industry and market development strategies
  • Analysis and study on sport tourism resource and market development strategy in hebei province
  • The current situation and marketing development strategies of sports tourism in gansu province
  • Moreover , logistics corporations can explore new markets by creating demands , thus forming market development strategies
  • According to the company ' s 5 year development plan , the company has started up its national market development strategy in 2001
    根据公司五年发展规划, 2001年公司已经全面启动全国市场发展战略
  • After china enters wto and the recombination with salim group of indonesia , the overseas market development strategy of qingqi group will change significantly
  • The sports travel marketing development strategies of gansu province is proposed by investigating the current situation of sports tourism resources , which will make the sports tourism industry of gansu province become a new growth point of economic development
  • We train you in financial planning , product knowledge and salesmanship , market development strategies and it usage in various training stages . we also encourage you to enroll in comprehensive in - house continuous training and worldwide - recognized professional development programs
  • However , the development of overseas market of daqing petroleum administration bureau starts later , thus still faces a great deal of difficulties in the process of overseas market development . therefore , it is the only road for daqing petroleum administration bureau ’ s standing firmly in the international market how to understand clearly its own advantages and disadvantages and formulate overseas market development strategy that suits its own development according to its realistic condition
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